How to safe-guide your device from Malwares

Its no longer news about how malware seems to be hacking into peoples device through apps.pop up ads and many more
Here are tips how to stay safe from malware attacks

Apps download
Since its known that malware attacks through apps.Its best you watch where and how you download apps.
When download apps go to the right source website like google play store,apple store and windows store this site are 100% protected
Don't allow apps with too much ads
Apps that ask for permission or that has much ads should be kept at arm lenght.
They makes your phone slow to use and uninteresting to use due to too much Pops-up ads on your device when you are using them
Don't open unsolicited email attachement
Unless you trust the email source and have scanned that they are not harmful its best you keep of or better still delete and block them
Install anti-malware software
Its best you download anti-malware software on you device to detect malware apps on you phone.I recommend you download Avast anti-malware software
Keep your device clean and safe thanks

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